Wednesday 5 September 2012

Twitter as a reporting tool

The journalists who were covering the lonmin case have tried by all means to use twitter as a platform for reporting. Because while they were busy with other stories they made sure that they keep all their followers updated but at the sametime they failed to keep them posted in each and every minute because of the fact that they were running up and down. Justice malala was always at the scene when the strike started and have been trying to explain what is happening in 3lines and he made sure that  when things got seriously tense in the mine he will just teet a line tweet that will ezplain everything.
Gia nicolaide is a Eyewitness News Journalist for Talk Radio 702, 94.7 Highveld Stereo, 567 Cape Talk and Kfm was also there at the scene. . sHe has been tweeting from the beginning of the protest and that that the miners are angry were angry and chasing them away and she didn't take time  to update us  about something else. she never mislead anyone who looked up to her about  to know what was happening must have been standing from far with his phone because he was using twitter to informed people everything that took place, even though at some point he would tweet as if he was asking a question.
Jacaranda 94.2 Journalist - making every day count out in the field. Believer in kindness, optimism, equality, strength and courage. was also there at the scene and  When she was tweeting she made sure that she doesn't tweet about what is wrong but what will bring light it's more like shedding ligt for her followers and she was also expressing her own views regarding the strike, when the strike started she made sure that each and everything that will hapeen she will make sure that she informs us
All the three journalists I have chosen are the ones who kept me updated from day one of the strike and i look upto them and i know if If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t even know what was happening at Marikana. They did a good  job using  twitter as a reporting tool
My opinion about the strike
The death of any soul for whatever reason is regrettable,History has taught us that the next phase in such incidences is an enquiry. This will establish that the police were provoked and attacked with all kinds of weapons and that in retaliation they may have used excessive force. Because self defence has limits, how many should fall dead before you are sure that now you are safe, 5,10,15,20....Especially while grieving for your loss. Violence has begotten violence, I can only hope that something good comes out of  this in terms of ownership and labour relations in the SA mining industry.