Wednesday 5 September 2012

Twitter as a reporting tool

The journalists who were covering the lonmin case have tried by all means to use twitter as a platform for reporting. Because while they were busy with other stories they made sure that they keep all their followers updated but at the sametime they failed to keep them posted in each and every minute because of the fact that they were running up and down. Justice malala was always at the scene when the strike started and have been trying to explain what is happening in 3lines and he made sure that  when things got seriously tense in the mine he will just teet a line tweet that will ezplain everything.
Gia nicolaide is a Eyewitness News Journalist for Talk Radio 702, 94.7 Highveld Stereo, 567 Cape Talk and Kfm was also there at the scene. . sHe has been tweeting from the beginning of the protest and that that the miners are angry were angry and chasing them away and she didn't take time  to update us  about something else. she never mislead anyone who looked up to her about  to know what was happening must have been standing from far with his phone because he was using twitter to informed people everything that took place, even though at some point he would tweet as if he was asking a question.
Jacaranda 94.2 Journalist - making every day count out in the field. Believer in kindness, optimism, equality, strength and courage. was also there at the scene and  When she was tweeting she made sure that she doesn't tweet about what is wrong but what will bring light it's more like shedding ligt for her followers and she was also expressing her own views regarding the strike, when the strike started she made sure that each and everything that will hapeen she will make sure that she informs us
All the three journalists I have chosen are the ones who kept me updated from day one of the strike and i look upto them and i know if If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t even know what was happening at Marikana. They did a good  job using  twitter as a reporting tool
My opinion about the strike
The death of any soul for whatever reason is regrettable,History has taught us that the next phase in such incidences is an enquiry. This will establish that the police were provoked and attacked with all kinds of weapons and that in retaliation they may have used excessive force. Because self defence has limits, how many should fall dead before you are sure that now you are safe, 5,10,15,20....Especially while grieving for your loss. Violence has begotten violence, I can only hope that something good comes out of  this in terms of ownership and labour relations in the SA mining industry.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Citizen journalism

I think citizen journalism is deals with people without journalism qualifications but can still use technology the Internet to create argument. Citizen journalism makes post for upcoming journalist limited because we expect to be paid but they just report and not get paid
“Citizen Journalism is when private individuals do essentially what professional reporters do - report information. That information can take many forms, from a podcast editorial to a report about a city council meeting on a blog. It can include text, pictures, audio and video. But it's basically all about communicating information of some kind. The other main feature of citizen journalism is that it's usually found online. In fact, the emergence of the Internet - with blogs, podcasts, streaming video and other Web-related innovations - is what has made citizen journalism possible”
The Internet gave average people the ability to transmit information globally. That was a power once reserved for only the very largest media corporations and news agencies. A lot of people read news on face book or twitter and blogs. Citizen journalism has been a threat to the up and coming journalist because they will no longer get internship because those positions have been occupied by unqualified journalist or news reporters so I don’t think we as the upcoming journalist we are going to have an easy time finding our stepping stone
 New media technology, such as social networking is the reason citizen journalism is taking over, in addition to the increasing prevalence of cellular phones, have made citizen journalism more accessible to people worldwide. Due to the availability of technology, citizens can often report breaking news more quickly than traditional media reporters. Critics of the phenomenon, including professional journalists, claim that citizen journalism is unregulated, too subjective, amateurish, and haphazard in quality and coverage and I agree with them because they don’t know the tools and techniques of being a good journalist
At some point I think it's great that citizen journalism exists. If you care about truth, then more people documenting the news of a community is a great thing.  It could be a fire, an act of injustice or a moment to celebrate. More eyes on our communities are productive for our truth eco-system, Citizen Journalism is especially needed in other countries that suffer from a paucity of news from non-governmental sources.  But what has become obvious over time is that citizen journalism has limitations, which is why professional photojournalists shouldn’t panic.
Citizen journalism is a necessity in country like Iran, Syria, Egypt, etc as most of the time, they are the only ones willing to do the job and because they are part of the event, they don't care if they don’t get paid.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

The book than makes wonders for a media scholar

The book new media is a book that has been written over and over again and each time they print it they have new ideas. it is divided into  appetizing chapters that a student will be able to use academically and journalist whole deal online can also use it as a guide book. As a scholar i can use it even though the world is dynamic I can still use it to enhance my knowledge.  Well when i look at the way the book is structured I see the way it wants to introduce other new social network media to the present one because it seems like it says you can’t remove a media tool but you can enhance the media tool, instead of stopping face book you can upgrade the way this social networking system. This book is most comprehensive book available for interactive writing, it’s clearly written with strong examples all I can do I can recommend this book for a neophyte student of the traditional media writers who wants to expand his or her skills.
“It examines the cultural, political and economic impact of new technologies on creativity and industry from a cross-disciplinary perspective. Various theories drawn from media studies, sociology, politics and policy, and economics and business, illustrate key concepts around the study of, and practice in new media.”

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Online Journalism in South Africa

Online journalism is the right choice for upcoming journalist
If you want people especially youth who are always on internet to develop a habit of reading  you need to give them content that will take their attention them, whatever their mood. That means mixing longer, in-depth investigative pieces with shorter stories, news you can use tips and a variety of other features, including comics, lists and yes, even ads and coupons. Online, it can mean shaking up your front page with polls, discussions as well as blog posts and links to longer stories. If the internet wants to change focus and go with easy, formula pieces for a while to pump up the traffic, so be it.
Editor have been coming up with stories to fire journalist. Sure, that’s hard, but if you don't want to live under the constant  threats of being given marning, you need to either start publishing for yourself or finding another field in which to work. The local publishers I know are even tougher than corporate publishers in holding the line on labor costs to think that the only people who will gain from this online newspapers are layout designers.and to think that the editors are working out of their budget  they get extra tight with expenses when it's their money that's getting spent.
If you want to attack the world for being dynamic you need to attack the editor for globilising with the changes.  Newspapers  will live or die on its own. If you think you can do better - do it. The internet can either step up its game and compete with better content, or die the death that so many of us have predicted for it.
This are the newspapers that are most read online and even people buy them and it wont stop from improving I qouted a brief information about them:
 “Daily Sun is the first South African tabloid aimed at the black working class. Initially met with disdain by the established press, its huge sales - and the fact that it has made new newspaper readers out of millions of South Africans - have earned it some respect. In the few years since its launch by Media24, the Daily Sun has become the largest daily newspaper in South Africa. It is sold in Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West”
 “The Star is published in Johannesburg and distributed throughout South Africa, with most sales in Gauteng. Once aimed exclusively at the white market, today over 50% of the Star's readers are black. It is owned by Independent Newspapers. Launched in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape in 1887 as the Eastern Star, the paper moved to Johannesburg in 1889.”
 “The Sunday World, launched in 1999, is a tabloid aimed mainly at black readers. Owned by Johnnic Communications, it is distributed in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and North West”