Friday 26 August 2011


I can quite understand the reaction of some people regarding the publication of the photo of the dead baby. The newspaper’s justification is hypocritical as it is obvious that the main reason for publishing such a picture was pecuniary: it was meant to sell as many newspapers as possible.
However, a very interesting and pertinent commentary was submitted by a a first year journalism student lined our inability to come to terms with death, by and large a taboo subject in our society. I would like to think that the newspaper obtained prior permission from the family to publish the photo oh! wait does this babies family know that their baby is in a bin?
 which would make the argument of the family’s pain at seeing such a photo null and void. One must ask oneself what is really shocking in that photo besides the fact that the baby is dead. It is indeed a very sad and powerful picture for it touches us in an extremely sensitive way. If publishing it could have maybe exposed the eastern cape morgue then it was a right thing to
well if it was my baby in that bin i will definitely sue the news paper and the eastern cape morgue

Thursday 25 August 2011

high rate of teenage pregnancy

well i don't understand why is the rate of teenage pregnancy so high, students all over the world get the advantage of being taught about SEX, HIV and all other stuff but still today the rate is getting higher and higher, why have a child while your still a child.
you still need support from your parents and you know they are struggling but you still have unprotected sex and bring some one to the world

 sex under 18 is illegal in most states. It is statutory rape and punishable by prison. Contraceptives are also illegal if under 18 as well. Abstinence is taught more than anything else. Contraceptives are not free either you have to pay rands for them. . These girls all have to rely on their parents and family to support the babies

Thursday 18 August 2011

YOUNG people wearing very little or nothing at all. Intimate acts filmed in all their glory, complete with sound effects that could make the most liberal-minded among us blush. Nothing much to the storyline except sex, sex, sex...

This is more or less what you get with Mapona Volume 1, South Africa’s firstever black pornographic movie – and it’s causing many people in this generally conservative country of ours to get rather hot under the collar.
Black South Africans’ lives are often governed by tradition and culture and sex is not high on the agenda at extended family get-togethers. As for pornography, it was always regarded as something made by foreigners and watched by sickos behind closed doors.
It’s not for nothing pay channel DStv scrapped plans to introduce a porn channel last year – the proposal caused an outcry and no fewer than 41 000 people voted “No” to a survey asking whether they wanted it.
Judging from DRUM’s Facebook site Mapona Volume 1 doesn’t have much support either from the general public. “Who came up with the idea?” follower Phindi Khumalo asked. “Seriously disgusting.”
“Disgusting!” Melissa Paulse echoed. “Is this world becoming more like the western lands? What happened to our heritage and culture? What about the future of our youth?”
But Tau Morena, the black brother behind the blue movie, is unrepentant. He says he’s fulfilling a need and banishing taboos about sex that often cause more harm than good. His controversial movie was launched recently at Sexpo, the annual sex exhibition held in Midrand, Jozi, and is now available to registered users on the internet and in adult shops around the country at a cost of R150.
We meet the 30-something Tau and the star of his movie, the exotic young dancer who goes by the name of Titanic, shortly after the release of the hardcore flick.
Before we get started Tau wants to get two things straight: first, he doesn’t want to be identified because he’s “not the face of the film, just the creator”. Secondly, Tau has invited us to his townhouse, but his girlfriend insists we don’t take pictures inside. Does that mean she doesn’t approve? Seems like it. “I don’t want people to know the interview was done here and I don’t want to be associated with this,” she tells us curtly.
Tau is unperturbed. His favourite saying is “nothing ventured, nothing gained” – and he certainly has ventured a lot here.

Man trapped in a child's body

THE figure behind the teller of the Centurion computer store looks like he should be in primary school. Standing no taller than 1,16 m and weighing just 24 kg, he draws shocked stares – and irate comments – from customers.
“What is a child doing playing with the cash register?” a woman recently demanded. “Can’t his mom look after him? Where is the manager? This behaviour is irresponsible and unprofessional!”
Bongani Skosana just smiles, points at his neat uniform and name tag and replies, “Good day, my name is Bongani and I’m 28 years old. I have been working here for several years – how may I help you?”
It’s only when his fingers start moving deftly across the cash register that you realise he’s telling the truth. Bongani has a rare growth-hormone deficiency, also known as pituitary dwarfism.
Although his body is perfectly in proportion, unlike other types of dwarfism which cause people to have a big head, short arms and legs and a long body, Bongani has grown no bigger than a Grade 1 child.

“People never believe how old I am but I have become used to it,” he says. “They are all kind to me.”
Bongani was small at birth – although his exact weight then is unknown – and has always been smaller than his peers. When he was in Grade 6 he became ill and he stopped growing altogether. “Nobody knew what was wrong with me but I was very sick,” he says.
Other than that, his health has been fine. He did need an operation to remove his wisdom teeth a few weeks ago because his mouth was too small to accommodate them, but that’s been it.
He may be small, but he’s strong – and he’s living as normal a life as possible. NORMAL life for a guy of 28 would be to have a girlfriend, enjoy a few drinks with friends and relax at a football game – and Bongani is no exception.